Moderationstraining Englisch

Moderationstraining Englisch

Successful meetings and discussions with concrete results

The most important task of a moderator is to lead the meeting to an optimal result. The moderator provides ideal framework conditions, structures the work phases and formulates the results.

Telefon: 06103 9950748

All other languages on request.

Option 1 – Wöchentliches Training:

2×2 TE’s wöchentlich, eine TE umfasst 45 Minuten.

48 TE’s gesamt, die Dauer ist auf drei Monate gerechnet.

Option 2 – Intensivtraining:

04 TE’s täglich, eine TE umfasst 45 Minuten.

40 TE’s gesamt, die Dauer ist auf zwei Wochen gerechnet.

Informationen zum Training:


                  Moderation techniques

  • Motivating and targeted questioning technique
  • Discussion management
  • Conflict field leadership responsibility – neutral moderation
  • Structured problem-solving aids

                  Moderate events

  • Participants, focus on time and goal
  • Encourage motivation and work ability
  • Phases of a moderated session
  • Preparation and execution
  • Results assurance and action plan
  • Effect as a moderator

                  Role and self-image of the moderator

  • Sovereign appearance in front of the group.
  • Understandable and „appealing“ talk.
  • Natural handling of body language.
  • Individual feedback
  • Specific hints for improving moderation skills

                  Moderation in practice

  • Exercises for dealing with moderation techniques.

Objectives and Benefits:

In addition to the effective preparation of meetings, you will learn professional methods and moderation techniques to lead a meeting as a moderator. You will learn to integrate the participants actively and meaningfully into the discussion, to increase their creativity as well as their joint solution and decision making and to deal confidently with difficult situations.

We will individually focus on your requirement and switch between theory and practical exercises. The focus is on the participant’s own moderation. Through the direct feedback from the trainer, you will not only learn the good preparation and execution of a moderation, you will also get a better understanding of how you affect others. You get to know your individual strengths and potentials and expand them.


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