Präsentationstraining Englisch

This training is designed to help you be a successful presenter in English. The training sessions include topics, skills and vocabulary you will need from the opening to the closing sentence of your presentation.

The training is based on realistic scenarios and extensive experience in several industries and provides you with various presentation options and methods.

The training of the learned skills and language in simulated situations as well as the visualization of presentation types and tools support you in improving your presentation skills and their implementation in your everyday professional life.

Your future presentations in English will also be supported by an extensive list of useful speaking tools and phrases. In addition, there is a presentation checklist, which contains all the necessary steps for a successful presentation and prepares you well for an English presentation.

Telefon: 06103 9950748

All other languages on request.

Option 1 – Wöchentliches Training:

2×2 TE’s wöchentlich, eine TE umfasst 45 Minuten.

48 TE’s gesamt, die Dauer ist auf drei Monate gerechnet.

Option 2 – Intensivtraining:

04 TE’s täglich, eine TE umfasst 45 Minuten.

40 TE’s gesamt, die Dauer ist auf zwei Wochen gerechnet.

Informationen zum Training:


Getting started:

Welcoming the audience, introducing yourself, saying what the presentation is about

Structuring your talk:

Explaining the structure, signposting during the talk, using body language

Using media, slides and visuals:

Integrating media and slides, using presentation tools, describing visuals

Talking about facts and figures:

Using types of graphs and cards, describing figures and trends, explaining cause and effect

Ending your talking:

Summarizing the main points, highlighting the key message, making effective conclusion

Dealing with questions:

Dealing with interruptions, answering questions in the Q&A session, asking questions


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