Verhandlungstraining Englisch

Negotiation is a process by which compromise and agreement are reached.

The training is based on realistic scenarios and extensive experience in several industries and provides you with various negotiation skills.

These learned skills will help you in future negotiations to achieve a win-win situation and the desired results. General negotiation skills can be used in many situations and in a wide range of activities.

Your future negotiation in English will also be supported by an extensive list of useful speaking tools and phrases.

Telefon: 06103 9950748

All other languages on request.

Option 1 – Wöchentliches Training:

2×2 TE’s wöchentlich, eine TE umfasst 45 Minuten.

48 TE’s gesamt, die Dauer ist auf drei Monate gerechnet.

Option 2 – Intensivtraining:

04 TE’s täglich, eine TE umfasst 45 Minuten.

40 TE’s gesamt, die Dauer ist auf zwei Wochen gerechnet.

Informationen zum Training:



Setting a schedule and limited timescale, ensuring all pertinent facts, developing negotiation strategies


Questioning and clarifying, dealing with difficult partners, involving several parties, regulating the tension level


Identifying of goals and interests of both sides, establishing some common ground, preparing a beneficial outcome

Win-Win Result:

Using different win-win concepts, proposing alternative strategies and compromises


Achieving an acceptable solution, dealing with short and long-term results

Course of Action:

Summarizing of the results, implementing an action plan


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